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The Center for Mindful Eating

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TCME Community Meditation

  • Wednesday, April 22, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar | Free for everyone!


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When we have lost our balance, we often engage in behaviors that become hurtful to ourselves and others. We say things we wish we hadn’t said, we eat and drink more than feels good, and we seek comfort in activities that only provide quick, temporary relief.  We never quite find our footing and we feel out of control. 

Formal equanimity practice is not as common as mindfulness, loving kindness, and compassion, but it teaches us a precious capacity to stay grounded in the midst of difficulty, sorrow, fear, anger, and grief. This practice acknowledges both the joy and the sorrow that exist in the world and opens us up to both. Mindfulness helps us not to struggle with reality but to land in the middle of it and be with it so that we can take the most skillful next step. One that is grounded in a sense of calm and peace—in equanimity. 

Restlessness, agitation, and fear are the opposites of equanimity, and equanimity without heart is indifference. Mindful equanimity, however, is grounded in caring. It helps you engage in the present moment with and open heart to the suffering within and around you. As a result, you are more likely to engage in action that is thoughtful and compassionate. 

Join us in the free April meditation practice and learn to engage with the phrases of equanimity.  Build a sense of trust in your ability to be with and embrace both your pain and your joy during this trying times. 

We hope to see you soon! Be safe and be well. 

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The Center for Mindful Eating

PO Box 30033

Columbia, MO 65205

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